I hope that I can provided you with some very unique and awesome renewable energy, solar power, wind energey updates and ideas for you to share with your family, friends and community.
In addition, you will find the best chocolate recipes.
The Solar Powered Toothbrush has been in the development stages for over 15 years by the Japanese company Shiken at the University of Saskatchewan by Dr. Kunio Komiyama. The Soladey J3X Toothbrush features a solar panel which sends electrons thus causing a reaction with chemical in the mouth that clears away plaque, which in turn has the potential of eliminating toothpaste. The only disadvantage the toothbrush will not work in the dark, but utilizes light that also generates a solar powered calculator.
Are you preparing your Labor Day get together with family & friends? These LED Wild Grass Lights will definitely be a beautiful addition to your garden or flower beds.
The LED Wild Grass Lights set of three sprigs, AAA rechargable battery, 1.2 feet tall, when fully charged, they can provide 8 hours of evening enjoyment and each strig can be reformed to your own design.
Do you need a lighter for trekking, backpacking,camping, picnic, bbq, boating or grilling that is generated from the sun? "The Solar Spark Lighter" is made by Gyroscope.com which is actually a stainless steel parabolic mirror which is similar to the torch that is used in the Olympic Torch in Athens, Greece.
The price of the Solar Spark Lighter is very reasonable with an asking price around $17.95 plus shipping and is actually a product made in the USA. Also, if you search on Google, you can also find blemished lighter for a less amounf of money.
Please use extreme caution when using this product and children should be supervised.
If you are interested in purchasing the Solar Spark Lighter, click this link.
Are you searching for a fun recipe to make with your children? What about Chocolate Pancakes for that family brunch or a sleepover?
2 cups all-purpose buttermilk baking mix 3/4 cup milk 1/4 cup HERSHEY'S Syrup or HERSHEY'S Strawberry Syrup 2 eggs
Stir baking mix, milk, chocolate syrup and eggs until blended in large bowl (batter will be thin). Pour batter by scant 1/4 cupfuls onto hot griddle; cook until edges are dry. Turn; cook until lightly browned. Serve with CHOCOLATE-MAPLE BREAKFAST SYRUP or strawberry syrup. About 14 pancakes.
CHOCOLATE-MAPLE BREAKFAST SYRUP: Combine 1/2 cup HERSHEY'S Syrup or HERSHEY'S SPECIAL DARK Syrup and 1/2 cup maple-flavored pancake syrup. Cover; refrigerate leftover syrup. 1 cup syrup.
The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded Lockheed Martin with 2 grants totaling $2 Million dollars to develop renewable energy with the technology of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Under the first grant, Lockheed Martin will develop a tool to estimate the amount of energy that can be extracted from the ocean's thermal layers. The geographic information system-based dataset and software tool will be used to identify regions of the world viable for OTEC and seawater-based air conditioning (SWAC). The resulting resource mapping will provide critical information to policy makers, the energy industry and the public about regional OTEC and SWAC feasibility. The SWAC technology is current being used in Hawaii, Bora Bora, Stockholm and Ottawa.
The second grant will require Lockheed Martin to estimate the performance and life cycle costs while determining the potential reduction in electric utility loads during the summer peaks demand periods.
Lockheed Martin's experience with Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion dates by to the 1970's, when they built a "Mini-OTEC", which remains the only floating system in the world.
The Department of Energy was granted approval which will cost of $1.45 Billion dollars to proceed with offering a conditional commitment to AbenogaSolar, Inc. to build the Solana, Arizona Solar Power plant. The plant will generate renewable energy at a rate of 250 megawatts and will feature the first molten salt thermal energy storage system in the USA. The Solana Plant will supply clean renewable energy to 70,000 homes, employ approximately 1600 during construction and 80 skilled permanent jobs during construction.
The plant will use mirrors to direct sunlight to the receiver tubes that will heat the molten to 700 degrees. The systems heat will turn steam turbines and has the capability of storing 6 hours of thermal energy, and will be dispatched during the peek hours in the morning and evening.
The thermal storage will also enable the plant to continue operation during intermittent cloudy weather.
You might be eligible for a federal tax credit when purchasing a renewable energy or energy efficient product for your primary home and second homes. I would recommend that you research the qualifications and requirements before you purchase renewable energy product; as not all "Energy Star" rated products meet the strict criteria. It will depend on which renewable energy product you choose that actually determines the allowable amount of credit, the total cost and the expiration dates. The overall tax credit is up to $1500.00, 30% of the purchase and some allowance for installation, and defined expiration date for the renewable energy product and 30% of the cost with no upper limit. Therefore, I would highly recommend that you thoroughly research all of the federal income tax guidelines to ensure which federal tax credit you are eligible to secure.
After you have determined the renewable energy product you will purchase, the next phase will be for you to be prepared for filing for our federal tax credits. Please review the "How do I apply for tax credit" link for a step by step instructions that you will need to follow to successful in claiming your federal tax credit.
The list of renewable products includes Biomass Stoves, Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning (HVAC), Insulation, Roofs (Metal & Asphalt), Water Heaters (Non-Solar), Windows & Doors, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Small Wind Turbines (residential), Solar Energy Systems and Fuel Cells (residential fuel and micro-turbine systems).
The Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish an Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium which promote and be responsible for developing the wind resources on the Outer Continental Shelf. The interior's new Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will develop wind and other renewable energy resources.
The governors of Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Virgina have created a "Wind Energy Farms" project for the Outer Continental Shelf.
Our nation needs to develop this renewable energy as there is a potenetial of generating 20% of our electricy by 2030. In addition, there is a possibility that this would create a quarter of a million green jobs.